Friday, March 29, 2024

War God of Epoth part 2

 He lifted the face shield of the armor to fix his hindered sight of the new thing that stands out in the distance away. Whatever it was, it was standing on all fours, and seemed to be hunched over the more Joseph squinted. He reddied his newly acquired set of weapons, where he fired off a warning shot in the air with the spear tip. That seemed to work rather well since he had no clue on how these things worked, nor was he expecting for the rod, which was light in every sense of the word, to have such a wild kick to it. Joseph was glad no one was around to laugh at his amature handling of the weapon. The thing in the distance began to run at him. It’s legs were moving at such incredible speed, that even with a weapon in his grasp, Joseph shook under his armor, and sabotaged his own confidence with a set of worrying thoughts. His hands shook as he placed the face shield back down, and the creature came into sight. 

It was white with orange stripes covering it like ribs. It had a main of great size and fluff, and was dirty with gray spots. Its upper body was massive, with large shoulders, and forearms, and a pair of large paws and metal claws sneering out. Its hindlegs were agile looking, with smaller paws, and smaller metal claws. The face of the creature, which Joseph could not stop staring at the closer it became, was like a lion, but pitch black eyes, and two bone colored tusks jutting upward past it’s face. The nose, which was like a cute wet dog’s nose, was orange and dripping. The roar was double noted, and chilled Joseph down to his core. 

Finally, he took aim, but the rod seemed to increase in weight. Suddenly his whole body felt heavier. A terrible sleepiness came over him, and a soreness pulsated up his spine and neck, and down to his shoulders, and legs. His focus on the monster was failing as he yawned wide. Adrenaline and exhaustion ran through him simultaneously. It was only a few feet away when it ponced at its new meal. Joseph fired, but the beam only grazed the creature's ear, to which the creature was not fazed at all. His eyes were wide when then from the left came another creature, much larger than the other, and with a mouth like a hippo, clamped down, and shook its head violently from one side to another until the creature's head popped off. 

Joseph screamed, and shot wildly at the latest threat. The hippo thing’s roar was low and deep, when from the right, an even larger thing with the mouth of a crocodile, and the body of a moose, and the horns of a moose gulped down the hippo thing in one bite. From here, Joseph ran, with the croc-moose-thing chasing behind. Its lower jaw dug under the surface of the sand, with its teeth rising in Joseph's path, the upper jaw about ready to come down, when then it was caught by its tail, and jerked backwards. When Joseph turned around, he saw an ape sized body with the head of a deer, and the horns of a bull, and the arms of a man. It lifted the croc-moose-thing above its head, and ripped it in half, showering in its insides. 

The ground began to shake, and the sands under the ape-thing was swirling under it, taking it fully down, where an enormous mouth snapped shut around the ape’s waist. It belted a loud upset cry as the sand began to digest it. Joseph made another run for it. A winged shaped shadow took form in the sand, getting bigger and bigger until two awesome sized talons grab a hold of Joseph's armor, and flung it on its back. The thing was that of a prehistoric pterodactyl. Joseph grabbed a hold of the dinosaur as it took off for the air. It climbed higher and higher, when its body began cooling in temperature. Then the flesh and lizard-like surface of its body broke up into small sophisticated panels. Its tan colorized body now changed to a shiny smooth silver with red stripes forming on the wings. The wings themselves lost all flexible form, and morphed now to straight wings like that of a jet. Joseph found himself now sat upright in a cockpit that grew under him, and formed perfectly around him, with a glass hood closing him in safely. The head was straight, and pointed like that of a jet cone.

Higher and higher the dino-jet went, past the clouds, and now past the atmosphere. Joseph saw now the great stars, and several purple and pink mists of the galaxy sprawled before him like a dark secret now exposed. To his right, a massive skull came floating in. It was a large human skull the size of a moon, and attached to a body of a super sized blue whale. Eyeballs appeared in the sockets, and grew red with strain as it looked directly at Joseph. Panicking in the seat, Joseph searched around for anything as a defense against this horrifying thing but the dino-jet swerved past the enormous human teeth. Its wing is clipped off by a smashing of the space whale’s frontal fin which moved more like a human arm than that of a regular whale. 

The dino-jet fell back through the atmosphere, and back to the planet. As it crashed, Joseph was sent flying through the glass, and flat on his face, where he landed before several pairs of armored feet. Joseph groaned, lifting his head and face shield to a purple grimace. 

“Oh crap.” he said.

To be continued…

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Fedlum K

 In the tall tall trees of Avalon, strolled a man, only half the size of other men. Only until now, has Fedlum K, been able to prove his worthiness. 

Fedlum K, yes the son of the Mighty K, the very same K who fought dragons, defeated corrupt Emperors, even killed a dark wizard; Yes, that K, who grew up an orphan, who never knew compassion, though he gave it. He was loving and kind, strong and fearless. “Dwarf!” they would say. And Mighty K would respond with one swing of his battle axe. 

Yes Fedlum K loved his father, but the one thing his human mother would say to be K’s worst trait…he never stayed home. 

He had a need, that Mighty K. A need in his blood and bones. A need shared and passed down to his son, his only son. 

Fedlum K only knew his father for the first six years of his life, because when the need to venture came, he went. He went to the snowy mountains of Core, and was never seen again. So Fedlum K grew up without his father. Learned the trade of blacksmith from his grandfather, forged his own axe, grew into manhood, and became a natural warrior.

…A sound rustled behind a thorned bush. Fedlum K stopped. He scanned the trees, the bushes. It was almost claustrophobic the way the trees leaned in. Hoisting his axe from his back, he listens closely as the sound elevates. Finally he spun to a bush from the east. It was a small rabbit, hopping out through the short grass. A cute little guy, with red eyes, white fur, and a long tail 

Fedlum K’s eyebrow popped. The rodent twitches its nose, and morphs in a painful resetting of bone structure. It formed a long growling snout, curled back lips, revealing thick white teeth. Small arms elongate, with huge wide hands.

Fedlum K’s eyes increased roundly past his red bearded face as the creature stood a whole foot above him. A powerful swing - ribs crunch, and Its body hits loudly and limp.

“That will teach you to mess with me.” he gloated. “I’m Fedlum K!”

He pulled off a large leaf with his beefy hand, wiping clean his blade. He bellowed a joyous laugh.

Fedlum K’s smile then hid back in his furry face. Before him now stood several more red eyed rabbits. They all morphed and split off into two large groups. Down the middle walked a hairless and horrendous monstrosity. She sniffed, and followed the scent to her dead newborn.

Nuzzles him with her long drooling snout, but to her discomfort, there is no response. No more playing, no feeding, no baby. 

And beside him stood Fedlum K. No longer smiling, no longer brave, no longer on the ground, but in the air, between her teeth, mushed and sporked, and swallowed.

Monday, March 25, 2024

War God of Epoth part 1

  The hard red sand became stuck under Joseph’s fingernails as he half opened his eyes. The sun was bright, indicating mid-day. He was too exhausted to move, and eventually his eyes closed again. He half opened his eyes again, knowing full well it's been several hours later, yet the sun was still where it was. It hadn’t moved since, and the dry air was still indicating mid-day. He blinked rapidly, forcing himself to fully wake, then he moved his head down as he realized he’d been on his back the whole time. He grunted as his neck had become stiff over the unrecorded amount of time he had been unconscious. He voiced an obscenity when grabbing for his neck, massaging the back of it, then using all of his strength to sit up right. He felt his chest, expecting to feel his usual blue collared shirt with the chest pocket, the likes of which he fidgets with quite often, but to his incredible surprise, it was gone. He looked down and found himself completely naked with the exception of a strange necklace around his agonizing neck. It was made of some kind of leather, though it’s origin of how it got around his neck in the first place, while also losing all of his clothes is a mystery surrounding him so much, the side of his head began to pulsate. The main eye catcher of the necklace however was not the makings of the leather strap, but what it was used to hold. A bright pink jewel, the size of a baseball. It sparkled like a wet stone freshly brushed up on by a cooling ocean wave foaming freshly up and down the shore. 

Another thought of pure curiosity that startled him was the extreme heat coming off of the sands he was sitting in. The still sun was no less hot than usual, so why was the heat of both the star, and the sand not affecting his skin? He huffed a bewildered sideways smile. He wipes his head, and pulls back nothing but himself. No perspiration of any sort. It doesn’t take Joseph much to process this amazing situation, and now he takes in his complete surroundings. It was a massive red desert, sprawling out in all directions, endless, almost hopeless looking, especially to one like Joseph who has no idea of where he is, or when, for that matter when putting consideration into the still unmoving sun. Enormous dunes were on all sides of him, and he wondered just how far he is from any kind of civilization.

When he turned around, the hair on his neck stood up. Two black figures in the far off distance. They stood still for a few minutes as Joseph tried studying this queer scenario. Then they began marching towards him. The pace at which the two were coming was quick, for they were only now a few miles away from him. Joseph squinted at his arriving guests, and a twisted feeling moved in his gut. The closer they got, the more Joseph was able to make out. They were not walking at him, but instead they were riding. Horses? No. Whatever the riders were on, were light green, with dangling snouts, and two huge yellow tusks protruding upwards. They were bipedal. Large heads, with small arms, and waist, but they increased in a round size by the hips and hindlegs. They had large calves with three toes and sharp claws. The riders seemed human at first. Dressed from head to toe in black armor, that clanked loudly the closer they became. Helmets covering their faces, carrying with them short lances with metal spear tips.

Joseph’s heart began to pound, and the presence of the two soldiers became evidently violent fast. They did not hold the lances like a typical knight, but instead they held the thin brown shafts under their arms like a projectile weapon. The spear tips shot out a short red glowing stick of plasma. It exploded directly at Joseph's feet, which was enough for him to get up and make a run for it. The two riders shouted out something unknown to Joseph. Whatever they said, he couldn’t make it out. He couldn’t recognize it as any ancient tongue on Earth. But was this even Earth?

The riders kept shooting, and shouting. The creatures they rode on shook their heads, grunting out some strange noise that continued to baffle Joseph's whereabouts. He dodged a beam by jumping to his right. Somersaulted to the left, avoiding another two shots. Each beam hit leaves black spots in the red sand, leaving behind him tracks as a reminder of the rider’s terrible aim, and their relentless pursuit. Another beam hits the ground, and Joseph falls face first into the sand.

The clunking and rattling of the black armor of Joseph's killers simmer down. One of the riders hops off to one side of his creature, and brings himself slowly to the body of the man. The one that remained on the creature made an angry gesture at his comrade, yelling something unidentifiable save to those of his own race. The ground troop made a gesture back by smacking away in the air the odd words of his comrade. Tip toeing closer to the body. He inspects it with his lance. No movement. The rider lifts up his face shield, revealing a deep purple face with a mixture of features, the likes of which are human, and cat-like, especially with the short thin black whiskers pointing upward, most likely due to the face shield. The rider looked at his comrade, and uttered something, when Joseph jumped to his feet. The mounted rider shouted, pointing past the shoulder of the ground troop, hoping to get his attention sooner than later, but it was too late. Joseph inspected the belt of his attacker quick enough to notice a short thin dagger that he took with ease, and stuck it hastily in the exposed eye of the purple faced alien who spun around to face him. He jabbed over and over and over into the same spot of the eye, which made loud mushy sounds as Joseph destroys his attacker’s sight. The mounted rider shot his lance, but Joseph used the limping body as a shield, and instead of killing Joseph, he killed his companion instead, leaving a smoking black burnt hole in his back. 

The blast still had enough kick to it, that Joseph still felt himself thrown backwards. A natural reflex in his hand gripping the handle of the dagger pressed a red trigger under the hilt, and a skinny orange beam shot a small hole through one rider’s head, and into the eye hole of the other, where the head exploded under the shell. To Joseph’ surprise, the helmet was still intact. The armor must be made of the toughest material around, being that only the head within the helmet exploded, leaving behind nothing but a pool of bright yellow blood and goop. The two horse creatures were startled from the action, and ran in different directions, leaving Joseph alone with the dead carcasses of two strange purple aliens. 

He removed their helmets, and took in his new discovery. Both of the purple skinned, human-cat people also had long rabbit ears that were folded against their slim heads. The skin was flush with the precise shape of their skull, which jutted out in the back. He removed the armor, and dressed himself, helmet and all, when he noticed in the distance another black figure.

To be continued… 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Razor's in the Water

 There were ripples in the water.

“Dean, if Dad finds out we took his boat, we’re dead.”

“Shut up Jimmy, do you want your birthday present or not?”

Jimmy stuttered, then sighed and said, “No - I want my present, I just -

“Then stop being a baby, dude! You’re nine years old now, start acting like a man.”

“Just don’t want to get in trouble.” Jimmy breathed in deep, and held back his frustration of Dean interrupting him. Always interrupting him, always picking on him, teasing him, and scaring him - but that’s what big brother’s do, you know. 

But after a few moments, Jimmy thought about Dean, and remembered when he had his back on the school yard, or when their Dad drank a little too much, it was Dean who took the beatings. Dean took most beatings. And Jimmy smiled at his older brother and sighed in relief. Dean loved Jimmy, and Jimmy loved Dean.

Far enough out, Dean pulled the ore’s in, and removed his shirt. 

“Okay birthday boy, hop in!”

Dean was elated for pulling this off, but Jimmy just sat in silence. 

“Come on!”

“Dean I - I don’t know, I’m scared.”

“You’ve been saying all damn summer about swimming in the ocean! Well here you go!”

“But Dad said -

“Jimmy, the hell with Dad. Don’t listen to the crap he tells you. He calls you a sissy, but you’re not!

“What if I am?”

“Remember those swimming lessons Mom took you to?

Jimmy looked down and lowered his voice as if he were ashamed. “Yeah.”

“You’re really good, man. Better than me. I was too scared to get into a pool, let alone the ocean.”

“Really?” Jimmy asked, surprised.

“Yeah! I didn’t go swimming until I was eleven. That was two years ago. You hopped in when you were five!”

“Yeah, I guess I did.”

“You guess? No moron, you did! Dad’s afraid of failure because he is a failure. He sees him in us, and wants us to think we’re stupid like him, but we’re not. Especially you. That’s why he picks on you the most.”

“But Dad said -

“Forget Dad!” Dean placed his hand on his small brother’s bony shoulder. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Jimmy thought for a long while. “It’s really amazing out here huh?” his voice had a sunny kick to it now.

“Hell yeah it is.”

“Wish we could have gone out in the morning. It’s a little creepy at night.”

“Sure it’s scary, if you’re a little wuss!” Dean grabbed his brother’s hair, and pretended to wrestle him to the floor of the boat. The two laughed. Finally Jimmy took off his shirt, and posed by the edge of their father’s fishing boat.

They were miles away from their beach home, exactly what Dean wanted. No one around to hear them, no parents to tell them to shut up, not a damn thing. They could be as loud as they wanted. Miles and miles, and miles away. Surrounded by endless open ocean. It felt like freedom. The kind of freedom Jimmy wanted. Free to swim in the vast blue waters of his books, and dreams. 

“Happy birthday little brother.”

“Thanks, big brother.”

And Jimmy jumped in. Cold drops in the hundreds splashed Dean’s body and he shivered excitedly.

Under the water swam little Jimmy, the fish boy as he was known in swim class. His body was light and smooth as he glided effortlessly above the many different sea life that existed hundreds of years before him, or Dean. He was in their world now. To them, there is no ocean, only earth. Nature. There is no swimming, only surviving. Living. Hunting. Eating. Being eaten. The great circle only miles below to a dark infinite. And Jimmy felt at home. He was a part of this world. Swimming is only to those who live above land, but for Jimmy, he was simply flying. Flying, and flying. 

And it - saw him.

Dean leaned back, arms behind his head, and a toe dipped lightly in the cooling sea. He wanted to swim, but this was Jimmy's night. Let him have his fun. After looking at the bright moon, Dean caught onto a sudden suspicion. Jimmy has never come up. 

The kid could hold his breath for unGodly amounts of time, Dean thought, but this is too damn long. Where is Jimmy? Dean splashed around, calling his name. No response. The water was quiet. A wide thin layer of liquid surrounding him. Dean called for help, but his call was never answered. They were too far out, just as Dean wanted. 

He held himself over the edge and screamed into the ocean. He could just swim, he thought. Just jump in, you promised him. You were meant to be there for him. But he never did. He was frozen in fear. What now? What can he do? Where is Jimmy?!

He punched the water, the ripples distorting the quiet air. He waited impatiently for the ripples to stop, but they never did. Dean leaned in more, bubbles were reaching the surface. 

“What the hell?”

The bubbles doubled, then tripled in the hundreds -

And the water rose into a hill, and razor’s sliced from under its foundation. Two rows, hundreds of them. Jagged and sharp, and cruel. Splashes of thick blood were smeared unevenly on it’s top and bottom jaws. They moved too fast, even for a scream that no one would hear. A 200 ton splash, and Dean was gone. 

The boat was rocking, and there were ripples in the water. 

Planet Zebueel

 1.Hang on because it’s not going to stop.

Interdimensional - restricted space -

a microgasim - THE microgasim -

the invisible is invisible

and the violent ebullition occurs.

Violent in birth. A rush of tiny releases

of stars, pleasurable explosions! A

paroxysm of weeping! And you’re silent

as is it. You’re both silent because you

have to be, there is no other choice, no

other option, YOU and IT have no choice

but to be as quiet as void wants you

to be, and not even because void needs

you to be. No you are both the never

ending slave. Your whole generation is,

everyone, everything is, IT is

too, and anything else it splatters in

the cosmic radiation-endlessness.

2.To say you get to wait now is a lie,

a big fat one too. Unbelievable

you might think, but how does It feel? Have you

asked? No because your body is vibrating,

and it’s vibrating because it’s being

raped by void. Unbelievable! Here’s the

rest - Sudden, rapid, dramatic, mushroom-

ming to completion of its diagram-

ical design. Like clay you can’t possi-

bly imagine. Void wants you to know it's

going to need feed, it hungers and it might

be you. Might, just saying. Back to design,

ALWAYS the design! Well why not, it’s per-

fect. The perfect Design. That form that's pull-

ing from your own body, taking most of

your resources is an oblong form, then

a flat circle, and soon crystallized ma-

terial. The invisible is now

visible! Zoom in because YOU can’t leave.

3.Void takes your air first, your lungs. Then your eyes,

and if you could only understand, fath-

om your body changing, expanding, your

flush face is swelling up because your face

is about to explode. Zoom in. A world.

The world. The planet Zebueel. Splendid

colors of pink and orange sit up and

down. Flowing tides, red are they, and somber green,

and lime green, and dark green, and small specs of

yellow that live precisely in the mid-

dle of great sized flowers that bite with small

metal pricks, and infact they do bite es-

pecially when the fly’s fly by. Zip-

ping and zooming, looking to feast on… oh

the dead bright beetles with twin heads, caught in

the prime of its life. And feast. It’s vagi-

nal mouth flaps spread open, puking up a

clear noodle hose, drenched from its guck. The suc-

tion tip sucks the tiny organs up through

the canal, and immediately burns

up, absorbing into the fly-thing’s bo-

dy. The Flower clamps shut! When it does, its bul-

bous eyes drip in directions, left and down.

Its slow. Like two squishy balls with micro

sized hairs being pushed out through dark crusted

flapped sockets. And the Flower’s pin teeth op-

en up many holes in the fly-thing, and

it dies.

4.The attainments have arrived before you

showed. The village of Meezah, where an or-

phan stole from a beggar, begging for sales,

and was now exiled to the outskirts

of the cave of Dunziel. And when the boy

arrived at the mouth, Dunziel showed. A large

being of giant stature, with sapphire

robes draped around his organs, and massive

in chest and hair. Metal stakes were his nipples,

and he held tight a whip of many whips

that glowed with fire of silver flame. His

tusks were yellow and his pig nose that wiggled

below and between his very human

eyes was dripping with a type of seamen,

not unheard of for his kind. The whip took

with it half the boy’s face. Shock kept the orphan

still on the ground. Dunziel urinated

on the wet red muscles and tendons, as

well as dripping down the small teeth and into

the gum and down the bone jaw. He then smashed

the boy with his bottom.

5.Seeing this though, was something of void. On

a red and gold chariot he came, with

thick metal chains wrapping his large forearms.

On the other end of the chains attached,

two enormous tigers with wings that resemble

shark fins, and metal teeth and claws. Next to

his sandals was a square slab, that he pressed,

and popped out the projectile weapon

of man. The hammer snapping in, releasing

the sharp copper casings into the belly

of Dunziel. He landed around the trees

that burned up in seconds to nothing but

embers, ash, and the tigers too stood up

on hind legs. Their upper body was that

of man, and their arms and paws were actually

that of man, and they fought Dunziel. He stepped

down from his chariot, and removed a

short sword from his hip. The blade covered in

oil under a clear durable casing

that when switched on by a small circular

snap under the hilt, the blade blew up in

fire. And the blade lit up like fire.

Dunziel whipped, and he sliced the whip in half.

The tigers grabbed his tusks and removed them

from his gums, and held him down for the finishing

blow. And he performed the finishing blow

by taking his time sawing off the head.

And when he was done, he held up the head.

And his tigers feasted on the head. And

he went back to his chariot, where they

flew back to void, and from that day, to the 

people of the village of Meezah, he 

became their champion. You can breathe now. 

You’re home.

War God of Epoth part 2

  He lifted the face shield of the armor to fix his hindered sight of the new thing that stands out in the distance away. Whatever it was, i...